
Education: Studied Archaeology at the Department of Archaeology in Tashkent State University, Faculty of History (1969); сompleted his postgraduate course at North-Ossetia Research Institute of History, Philology and Economics (1975).

Mentor: M.E. Masson.

PhD: Problems of Chronology of Early Medieval Monuments in the North Caucasus (1977). Academic Supervisor V.A. Kuznetsov.

Doctoral Thesis (The Higher Doctorate): The Don Alans (Social structures of Alan-Asso-Burtas population of the Middle Don basin) (1991).

Key research interests: Problems of chronology of early medieval antiquities of Eastern Europe; Social structure of Alan-Asso-Burtas tribes; Aerospace probing of archaeological sites; Multidimensional statistics in archaeology; Modelling bioproductivity of potential economic zones of early medieval settlements of Eastern Europe; Architecture of Byzantine fortifications.

Archaeological Field Excavations in different regions of the Soviet Union; Head of several expeditions; Deputy Head of the joint USSR-Bulgaria-Hungary Expedition funded by the USSR Academy of Sciences (1977–1982).


Винников А.З., Афанасьев Г.Е. Культовые комплексы Маяцкого селища. Материалы раскопок Советско-Болгаро-Венгерской экспедиции. Воронеж, 1991.  Афанасьев Г.Е. Население лесостепной зоны бассейна Среднего Дона в VIII–IX вв. (аланский вариант салтово-маяцкой культуры). М., 1987;
Афанасьев Г.Е. Донские аланы (социальные структуры алано-ассо-буртасского населения бассейна Среднего Дона). М., 1993;
Афанасьев Г.Е., Рунич А.П. Мокрая Балка. Дневник раскопок. М., 2001. Афанасьев Г.Е., Савенко С.Н., Коробов Д.С. Древности Кисловодской котловины. М., 2004.


Enzyklopaedisches Handbuch zur Ur- und Fruehgeschichte Europas. Bd. III. Addena. Jan Filip. 1998;

Чернобаев А.А. Историки России. Кто есть кто в изучении отечественной истории. Саратов, 2000.
